Biofuture 2022 第三届生物医药未来领袖峰会
活动时间2022-01-11 09:00至2022-01-12 18:18
详细地址 : 详细地址会前通知
活动地点 : 详细地址会前通知
行业范围 : 医疗医学,运动健康
活动规模 : 1200
收藏人数 : 0
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ADCs全球与国内趋势纵览/Overview of ADCs Global and Domestic Trends

ADC药物定点偶联技术及成药性的研究趋势纵览/ Overview of the research

ADC药物研发面临的挑战和机遇/Challenges and opportunities facing ADC干细胞药物的发现研究

下一代ADC药物研发/Next-generation ADC drug development

抗体偶联药物(ADC)的临床方案设计与检测/ Design and testing of the clinical program of antibody-conjugated drugs (ADC)

ADC药物蓬勃发展: CDMO发展机遇和挑战/ ADC drugs are booming: CDMO development opportunities and challenges

迎接挑战与机遇,抗体药物研发战略布局/Facing challenges and opportunities, the strategic layout of antibody drug R&D

CD28是否会打破双特异抗体的格局/Will CD28 break the pattern of bispecific antibodies?

双特异性抗体创新药研发: 新靶点和组合/Bispecific antibody innovation drug development: new targets and combinations

新一代免疫检查点药物开发/Development of a new generation of immune checkpoint drugs

圆桌讨论: 百花齐放的双抗/The booming of Bispecific antibody drug development

重组蛋白类药物的研发现状与趋势/Current status and trend of research and development of recombinant protein drugs

靶向CD47/SIRPα药物研发进展和未来展望/Development and future prospects of drugs targeting CD47/SIRPα

以VEGF(R)为靶点药物的研发进展/Development progress of VEGF(R) target drugs

靶点ROR1会是下一个PD-1?/Will the target ROR1 be the next PD-1?

靶向NK细胞治疗肿瘤的双特异性抗体药物开发/Development of bispecific antibody drugs targeting NK cells to treat tumors

Claudin 18.2下一代创新免疫疗法黑马/Claudin 18.2 The next generation of innovative immunotherapy dark horse

细胞免疫治疗产业发展趋势与政策环境解读/Development Trends and Policies of Cellular Immunotherapy Industry

CART产品开发新靶点新思路/CART product development new targets and new ideas

CART免疫细胞治疗的工艺开发,验证和产业化/Process development, verification and industrialization of CART immune cell therapy

双靶点CAR-T细胞治疗癌症的研究进展和展望/Research progress and prospects of dual-target CAR-T cell therapy for cancer

治疗肝癌CAR-T细胞产品的设计和临床研究/Design and clinical research of CAR-T cell products for the treatment of liver cancer

小组讨论: CAR-T细胞治疗火热的当下面临的潜在问题,未来破局之道 The potential problems faced by CAR-T cell therapy at the moment, and the future outlook

广谱多功能CAR-NK 细胞药物的研发/Development of Multifunctional Integrated CAR-NK Cell Drug

基因治疗药物研发与分析/Gene therapy drug development and analysis

溶瘤病毒产品的研发进展/Research and development progress of oncolytic virus products

下一代腺病毒载体+ 新技术助基因治疗腾飞/Next-generation Adenovirus Vector + New Technology Helps Gene Therapy Take Off

基因编辑技术及其应用/Gene editing technology and its application

从小众到大众→通用CAR-T未来已来/From niche to mass → General CAR-T's future is here

肿瘤微环境下的下一代细胞治疗产品开发/Development of next-generation cell therapy products in the tumor microenvironment

病毒载体开发和工艺优化/Viral vector development and process optimization

溶瘤病毒联合PD1/PD-L1治疗癌症/Oncolytic virus combined with PD1/PD-L1 to treat cancer

AAV在眼科疾病领域中的应用突破/Breakthrough in the application of AAV in the field of ophthalmic diseases

溶瘤病毒产品商业化生产的机遇和挑战/Opportunities and challenges for commercial production of oncolytic virus products





